Should You Hire an Interior Design Architect? Written By james veal

Should You Hire an Interior Design Architect? Written By james veal

If you are starting to think about creating a new space within your home, or are looking to start the design process into creating your own home from the ground up, you may have come across the term interior design architect. An interior design architect is a relatively new term, and is something you should definitely explore if you are looking for an all-in-one expert in interior design and interior architecture. Interior architecture focuses on the technical aspects of space planning, while bringing the space to life through superb interior design. In this article, we will further explore what exactly an interior design architect is and the benefits of hiring one.

Modern Kitchen design

What is an Interior Design Architect?

In essence, an interior design architect is a professional who specializes in a mix of architecture and interior design. These individuals are not only architects or an interior decorator, rather they are experts in creating the interior spaces of their clients dreams, while also taking into consideration the architecture of the space (including the design process and building codes). On the architectural side of things, they are responsible for creating the building layout of the desired space, overseeing the construction site of the new build, while taking into account all of the structural elements of the new build. If working on a space which is already established, they will be able to study the existing structure, therefore being able to provide professional insight into improving the design plans. On the interior designer side of things, they are responsible for designing the interior space (such as choosing colors, textures and furniture), creating both the exterior and interior environments of their clients' dreams, while taking into account the functionality of the space. In essence, when you hire an interior design architect, you are getting the two professions in one. Interior design architects are extremely important, as both professions need to be taken into consideration when creating or upgrading a space.

What are the Benefits of Hiring an Interior Design Architect?

There are numerous benefits to hiring an interior design architect that goes beyond having the benefit of having two professionals in one:

  1. Greater Accountability: As the interior design architect does it all, it allows for greater accountability as there will only be one point of contact for all parts of the building construction and interior design. This is of the utmost importance, as interior design needs to be taken into account while working on the space. This ensures a smoother flow to the overall process as the two concepts will be working alongside each other, instead of numerous companies working together on the project at the same time. It ensures that all of the projects outlined in the contracts are done on or before the deadline that has been outlined, as one person will be overseeing the projects. In addition, beyond the above mentioned, hiring an interior design architect ensures that if there will be delays or hiccups during the process, people will be held responsible, and will work together with the interior design architect to ensure the project is back on track. This provides greater accountability as one person is responsible for the overall project.
  2. Higher Levels of Creativity: Hiring an interior design architect allows for a greater level of creativity on the given project as opposed to having various people working on the project at the same time. It gives the individual or firm freedom to create concept space planning from the beginning until the end without having to collaborate with other various people. It also allows for more creativity for the interior design architect, as they have the ability to adjust and make changes to the space while in the initial concept phase. Instead of stopping the design process to consult with the architecture firm to ensure the design can go ahead, the interior design architect is able to do it all at once and adjust accordingly. Clients are typically happier with the outcome of their projects when in the hands of one person or firm, rather than numerous people collaborating together on the design.
  3. Faster Turnaround Time: As the interior architect is responsible for all aspects of the build, there will typically be a faster turnaround time on projects compared to when numerous companies work together. When having many people involved in the creation of a project, lines can get crossed allowing for miscommunication to occur which can ultimately result in delayed or deferred projects. The interior design architect will also act like a project manager, ensuring all contractors are on the same page and projects are meeting their deadlines. Not only does hiring an interior architect provide a faster turnaround time, but is also less of a headache for both the interior architect and the client and creates a much more streamlined experience and process.
kitchen designed kitchen with wooden accents

The Stewart-Schäfer Method

As an interior architecture design firm, we are leaders in the design industry, providing our clients with an incredible experience from start to finish. Our ultimate goal is to provide our clients with a space they love, while considering their wants, desires, functionality and environmental design.

At Stewart-Schafer, we use a leading interior architecture program to create and design spaces for our clients. After we sit down with the client and gather information from them, we then design the space(s) using a 3D method (not to be confused with building information modeling), which allows us to be design led and translate design intent very efficiently to a client. We create everything that will go into the space; walls and flooring included, meaning that there is no grey area when designing; you see exactly what the end product will be. Once we have finished the 3D space planning, we then consider the architectural aspect of the space. We take into consideration functional building design, while also outlining the specific building materials that will be needed. By using the method specific to Stewart-Schafer, we can ensure that both architecture and interior design are considered at the exact same time, as they are a compliment to one another. Whether clients want lots of natural light or have a specific vision they want brought to life, we bring our expertise and creativity together to design a beautiful space.

If you would like to know more about interior design architects, are interested in hiring one for your current or upcoming project, or want to know more about the services that we offer, please contact us today and we will be happy to help.

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