Sustainable Residential Interior Design Planning

Sustainable Residential Interior Design Planning

As the need to become eco friendly and sustainable continues in 2022, interior designers have shifted their practices in order to create healthy spaces for both homeowners, families and Mother Earth. In this article, we will look at sustainable interior design and what exactly home sustainably looks like. We will look at the positive impact that sustainable interior design has, and dive deep into why sustainable interior design is important and some ways to ensure that the interior design within your home is sustainable.

What is Sustainable Interior Design?

Sustainable interior design is the process of creating and designing a home that is comfortable for the homeowner and family while also being mindful of the environment. At the heart of sustainable interior design is health for both the family and environment, while also providing a safe space for the family using environmentally safe materials and architecture. A large part of sustainable interior design is focused on using recycled materials within the home to create a new space.

Modern entry way side table leading to stairs

Why is Sustainable Interior Design Important?

There are many reasons why sustainable interior design is important for both human health and the environment. Let's start by looking at the importance of sustainable interior design for humans.

As humans, we tend to spend a lot of our time indoors. Working from home office spaces and eating dinner in the dining room daily are both reasons as to why we tend to spend a lot of time in our homes. Because we spend a large portion of our lives within our home, it is so important that the space we are living in is good for our health. Instead of creating homes that are impractical and stark, people are now shifting to colours and designs that focus on natural light and clean lines (for example - the shift to an airy kitchen). It has been proven that living in a space which mimics nature is good for human health, such as: improved heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Sustainable interior design is also great for reducing headaches and the overall calmness of the home.

Many interior designers focus their work around nature, incorporating designs within the architecture that reflect the natural world around us. This style of interior design is called Biophilic Design, and has been becoming increasingly popular especially after the work-from-home shift due to COVID-19. Mimicking natural designs such as waves, incorporating plants and using natural elements such as light and air within the design of the home are all important to human health. Beyond the environmental benefits of sustainable interior design, many people are choosing to shift to sustainable interior design for the health benefits alone.

Sustainable interior design is extremely important for the environment as it highlights a commitment towards Mother Earth. As there are many different aspects that play into interior design, making a statement towards assisting the long term goal of a healthy environment is important. Using materials and products that do not have any negative impacts on the environment is key, while also ensuring the cost is affordable for clients. As interior design can be complex with many little details involved, sustainable interior design promises quality solutions which are environmentally friendly.

Tip: If you would like assistance with your interiors, please contact us today. If you are not going to purchase a sustainable interior designer and execute the interior design process yourself, West Elm has lots of amazing, sustainable products for all corners of your home.

stunning blue tile in bathroom shower

Interior Designer Tips on Sustainability

There are many ways in which you can ensure your interior design & interior designers are ensuring sustainability within your home. Below are some tips for sustainable interior design.

  • Maximize the use of space within your home: Ensure that all corners of the home are being utilized to their full potential. Utilizing space and furnishings is extremely important, as it not only allows for more space within the home but it will also cut down on construction costs as the materials needed will be cut to a minimum. Places of the home you may not think about such as the kitchen island offer great double uses to maximize space. In some instances, maximizing the use of space within the home will also present cheaper options when thinking about sustainable interior design.
  • Keep Energy Consumption to a Minimum: When thinking about sustainable interior design, it is important to think about energy consumption. When done incorrectly, energy consumption within the home can have a negative impact on both human health and the environment. Energy efficient heating options and larger windows which are properly sealed and are certified energy savings are great options for those looking to keep energy consumption to a minimum. It is easiest to keep energy consumption to a minimum during the initial design phase of the house, so we strongly recommend choosing this option if building your home. For example, it is easier to create a space from conception that uses natural light to heat a room, instead of utilizing a heater before the space is rebuilt.
    If you are looking for more inspiration, the environmental protection agency has an abundance of information for living greener including eco friendly essential elements for those looking to make a change within their interior design.
  • Use Sustainably Sourced Materials and Furniture: Another way to ensure your interior design is eco-friendly is by using local products that are sustainably sourced. Not only does purchasing local materials support the local economy, it also cuts down on the amount of emissions that are released into the environment during travel to get the materials from point a to b. This is important as sustainable interior design means being sustainable from design to conception and all stages in between. In addition, you also want to ensure that there are low VOC's (volatile organic compounds) as these can affect air quality within the home.
  • Consider Up-Cycling Things within Your Home: Up-cycling is the art of repurposing items around the home to elevate them and bring them a new purpose. Instead of throwing items from around the house away, they are fixed, painted and redesigned for a new purpose. This is important as it creates less waste that ends up in the landfills and allows individuals the freedom to create new pieces of decor and items within the home. By learning the skill of up-cycling, it also is the cheaper option as individuals are not constantly having to purchase new items for the interior of the house. If the household contains children, it is encouraged to up-cycle toys and furniture from the family room for use in other spaces of the house as children are constantly changing and outgrowing their toys creating waste.

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